Quattrolifts designs and develops lifting machines and equipment used in all aspects of glass installation.

Quattrolifts Glass Transport and Installation

Quattrolifts is a renowned provider of top-of-the-line glass transport and installation machines, designed to handle glass weighing from 50 kgs to 800 kgs. Their range of equipment caters to glass suppliers, window/door manufacturers, and architectural glass installers, offering efficient solutions for their specific needs.

At European Museum Technology (EMT), our partnership with Quattrolifts goes beyond equipment provision. As trusted collaborators, we maintain a close working relationship with Quattrolifts to stay at the forefront of glass handling technology advancements. This synergy allows us to continuously enhance our services and offerings, ensuring that we provide our clients with cutting-edge solutions.

When it comes to fabricating and installing museum showcases across Australia and Asia, EMT relies on Quattrolifts equipment. The reliability and precision of Quattrolifts’ glass handling machines enable us to execute our projects with utmost efficiency and safety, meeting the stringent requirements of the museum industry.

European Museum Technology are Quattrolifts Agents
European Museum Technology are Quattrolifts Agents
As Quattrolifts agents, EMT provides sales, service and training for the Asia Pacific Region and offers many museums the heavy glass handling equipment sales and service required as part of their museum showcase maintenance and management programs.
Glass Transport and Installation
Quattrolifts machines can handle glass weighing from 50 kgs to 800 kgs
Glass Transport and Installation
Glass Transport and Installation

Our machines lift composite panels, steel, aluminum granite/marble, plastics and wooden doors.

As authorized agents of Quattrolifts, EMT not only offers their exceptional equipment but also provides comprehensive sales, service, and training for the Asia Pacific Region. We specialize in glass transport and installation, catering to the unique needs of museums and other institutions. Many museums rely on us for the sales and service of heavy glass handling equipment as part of their museum showcase maintenance and management programs.

By partnering with EMT and utilizing Quattrolifts equipment, glass suppliers, window/door manufacturers, architectural glass installers, and museums benefit from industry-leading solutions that optimize efficiency, ensure safety, and deliver precise results. EMT’s expertise and commitment, combined with Quattrolifts’ cutting-edge technology, make for a powerful partnership that elevates glass handling capabilities across various sectors.

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