The Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) is an art museum located on the Berriedale peninsula in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. It is the largest privately funded museum in the Southern Hemisphere.
Wunderkammer [/ˈvʊndəˌkamə, German ˈvʊndɐˌkamɐ/] A place where a collection of curiosities and rarities is exhibited. The intuitive arrangement of art and objects from different cultures and periods creates a modern-day Wunderkammer effect that is visually spectacular and seen to be unique to MONA.
Decades of experience and expertise were called into play when the Museum Designers required EMT to turn their ambitious visions into reality using unconventional materials and a restrained budget. The efforts produced stunning exhibits; unique to the world.
23 Woodlands Drive
Braeside, Vic, 3195
Phone: +61 3 9580 4420
Mobile: +61 448 866 076
Email: info@musea.com.au
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